At the request of the organising committee, Sri Chinmoy competed on the Puerto Rican team. He had been made an Honorary Citizen of Puerto Rico in 1976. Sri Chinmoy was invited to open the Games with a silent meditation and he also composed a special anthem for the occasion.

At age 52, Sri Chinmoy competed in the 50-54 year age category.


100 metres   
Friday, September 23rd   
Sixto Escabar Stadium
Sri Chinmoy's official finishing time:  14.48 seconds

Notes: The heats began at 4:40 pm. Sri Chinmoy's race number was 506. He chose not to wear spikes but he used Newton starting blocks purchased in Puerto Rico. His bodyweight was 133  pounds. The number of strides was approx. 64. This was Sri Chinmoy's fastest time in the West until 1992.

200 metres   
Sunday, September 25th   
Sixto Escabar Stadium
Sri Chinmoy's official finishing time: 31.40 seconds

Notes: The heats began at 4:30 pm. Sri Chinmoy was on the inside lane. He used his starting blocks. His bodyweight was 135 pounds.

400 metres   
Tuesday, September 27th   
Bithorn Stadium
Sri Chinmoy's official finishing time: 1:12.66

Notes: The heats were scheduled for 3:00 pm. Sri Chinmoy was in the first heat, which was the fastest. He qualified for the semi-finals, but he was not informed and did not run the following day. His bodyweight was 135 pounds.


For many years, these three times stood as the highlight of Sri Chinmoy's sprinting achievements in the West.

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