...Mission Gorge bouldering and climbing

A few years ago I visited the nice city of San Diego where the local Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team was organizing the annual Self-Transcendence Swim&Run. Those few weeks in the company of very hospitable Californians were a most memorable experience and something I will definitely never forget.

Besides the beautiful beach and surroundings where the race was held, the thing I remember most was the incongruity between the amount of sport activities taking place and the hot weather. Fiding some shade in San Diego was a real adventure but it never stopped us running, playing soccer or ultimate frisbee and of course doing some climbing and bouldering. We did some climbing indoors in the Vertial Hold Climbing Gym - I had read that this was the largest climbing hall in Southern California and was anxious too see it... It is just a fraciton of the size of the hall I visited in Zurich, Switzerland but I had a lots of fun climbing there with my friend Atulya.


We also did some bouldering and climbing in the Mission Trails Regional Park in the Mission Gorge climbing area. I will never forget my first experience of climbing there - it was my first time in "desert" conditions. There was a nice breeze but temperatures were still high. We took off our t-shirts and of course went home with red and painful backs. We went there a few times and had a lot of fun doing some unnamed, unrated (at least for us - we didn't care about that) bouldering problems just for pure joy. The granite rock was a welcome contrast to the limestone/conglomerate I usually climb on and I really liked making some fun moves on the flakes of these rocks...

This happened three or four years ago. A recent reunion with Atulya in New York brought it back to mind when we both witnessed our spiritual teacher, Sri Chinmoy, perform a 256lb wrist curl in each arm and a 740lb double arm lift. Sri Chinmoy tries through weightlifting to inspire his fellow man to greater things. This reunion inspired me to write about the fond memories I had with the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team from San Diego with hope to visit them soon...

Sri Chinmoy's 256lb wrist curl

-by Igor Talevski
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